Before we begin, we want to remind you of our end-of-year offer!
From now through December 31, buy an an annual subscription, get a second year of access free — either for yourself, or a friend. We’ll email you after purchase to get it all set up. We’d love to share more of our content with you, or with a friend you think might like Circling!
And we still have two our our essays out from behind the paywall to give you a sample.
Everyone I know has the doldrums right now. It’s the weather, it’s the news, it’s one billion tiny dramas and uncertainties unfolding in all of our tiny lives. I had a head cold this week, and with it came the absolute conviction that I have never done anything right in my life.
I told Lynnette that I feel like I’m in a rut and haven’t really made anything lately, and she reminded me that I had literally dropped off a whole entire quilt to its new home mere days before. I lack object permanence about things I make — I make them, and feel so good while I’m making them, and then I forget about anything I have ever accomplished before this current day in which I have done nothing.
So here, in the twilight of a year in which I have often felt that I am not good at anything, have not made anything, and cannot do anything, I am reflecting on the ways in which, nevertheless, she persisted.
So brave.
Here is what I made this year!